The Ventures Africa Internship Program is open to exceptional university students and graduates interested in journalism. We are looking for talented individuals with a desire to learn more about online journalism, writing and multimedia production in a fast-paced and challenging environment.
We welcome applications from individuals in all fields of study but are especially interested in candidates with backgrounds in English, Mass Communication, Journalism, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Computer Science and Advertising and Media.
All candidates should have a deep interest in writing and research. In addition we are looking for interns with an interest in video production and editing, graphic design, and social media.
Internships will run for three to four months and provide candidates with the opportunity to gain experience in producing writing for publication, in research and multimedia production. Interns work the same hours as regular staff and are given similar responsibilities from the beginning of their internship. Ventures Africa office hours are 9am-5pm Monday through Friday. The internship comes with a monthly stipend.
Upon completion of the internship, participants will be presented with a certificate and encouraged to place their experience with Ventures Africa on their CVs.
Applicants should possess excellent communication and interpersonal skills and a proven ability to work in a team.
To apply, please submit a cover letter explaining your interest in the Ventures Africa Internship Program along with your CV and two letters of recommendation.
Applicants will be notified about in person interviews by email within two weeks of applying.
For more information please email: [email protected].