A new film tells the story of a Nigerian doctor who linked brain damage to American football. His faith gave him the strength to stand up for the truth
Dr Omalu, who is played by Will Smith in the film, knew little about American football and hadn’t heard of Webster until the morning of the autopsy, when he caught TV talk shows discussing how the once great player had struggled with depression and a range of other personal difficulties since the end of his illustrious career. And so, when Dr Omalu was asked to examine Webster’s body, he already felt a strong bond with the man. “While I was in medical school I suffered from severe depression so I knew what it was to suffer mental illness, not be understood by society and be dismissed. Rather than [seeing him as] just a dead football player I empathised with him and when I got to the autopsy room I spoke to him. I said, ‘something is wrong and you are a victim of this game. You have to show me the way, lead me to the light, lead me to the truth and I will do everything I can,” he said.

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