Business in Africa seems to be booming.  Her people have inherent motivation, heightened confidence, resilience, a tenacity never experienced before and increasing with the depth and complexity of business interest and transactions spanning the continent. Watch any international news channel and you are sure to hear a report covering African business. In turn, African countries have started competing for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).

More so, Africa and her people strive to move past the image of stricken poverty, conflict and corruption to show that we are “doing business”, and now on a global scale. The continent seems to be developing sovereign brands, used to attract investors and perch their countries in terms of investor confidence.

Bloom Consulting’s Algorithm, intricately developed to calculate the Country Brand Strategy (CBS) ranking, using hard and soft data in the form of economic performance and predicted brand strategy of a country. More importantly this ranking seems to be a fair trade-off given the spread of foreign direct investment across the African continent.

Africa’s Top Ten National Brands Africa’s Top Ten National Brands Africa’s Top Ten National Brands Africa’s Top Ten National Brands

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